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Cindy Berry
Cindy Berry was born in Houston, Texas, and started picking out melodies on her aunt’s piano when she was five years old. At age six, she started taking piano lessons from her church organist. She started writing original songs as a teenager. But writing/composing was more of a hobby until she felt that God was calling her to start “writing down her worship” in 1983. Since then, she has devoted about half of her writing time to choral anthems for adults and children, and half to arranging for piano. Her anthems, musicals, and piano collections are found in the catalogs of many major publishers. She was the 2016 recipient of the W. Hines Sims Award from the Baptist Church Music Conference.
Cindy and her husband, Bruce, have always been active in their local church music ministry (he as a Minister of Music, and she as a church pianist and children’s choir director). Her goal is always to present her music as an offering of worship and praise to God. Cindy and Bruce are now happily “retired” and make their home in Killeen, Texas. They are blessed to have three adult sons and six wonderful grandchildren.