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Mary Kay Beall
Mary Kay Beall was born and raised in Akron, Ohio. She holds a B.M. degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, a M.A. from Ohio State University, and a Masters in Theological Studies from Trinity Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.
She and her husband, John Carter, are a well‑known creative team and currently make their home in Columbus, Ohio. Mary Kay has been an editor for the Hope Publishing Company since 1991 and she conducts clinics and reading sessions throughout the United States and Canada.
Ordained in the American Baptist Church, Mary Kay currently ministers to church musicians and choirs in the United States and Canada in the area of Spiritual Formation and Renewal. Many of her original choral compositions are available from Augsburg Fortress, Heritage Music Press, Hope Publishing Company, Laurel Press, Lorenz Publishing Company, Sacred Music Press and Triune Music.
Mary Kay belongs to ASCAP, ACDA, Hymn Society and Pen Women and is co‑president of the German Village Creative Artists.