The Church Pianist Sept/Oct 2016

Tune Source
Kirken; Nyland; Haydn; Hermas; Blott En Dag; Bread of Life; Ein Feste Burg; Engelbert; Adelaide; Ville Du Havre; Erhalt Uns, Herr
Built on a RockAnthony Giamanco
Here at Thy Table, LordStan Pethel
When in our Music God Is GlorifiedLloyd Larson
For All the Faithful WomenC.E. Walz
Have Thine Own Way, LordTedd Smith
Come, My Soul, Thou Must be WakingPenny Rodriguez
It Is Well with My Soul
A Mighty Fortress is Our GodAnthony Giamanco
Lord, Keep us Steadfast in Your Love
On Our Way RejoicingTerry Osman
Day by Day