The Organist Jul/Aug 2015

Moderately Easy
Tune Source
Golden Chain; Dunlap's Creek; National Hymn; Marion; Deep River; Trust in Jesus; Trusting Jesus; Slane; Olivet
God of Our FathersLani Smith
Deep RiverMichael Ryan
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!Douglas E Wagner
We Walk By FaithGregory Hoepfner
In Quiet FaithEdward Broughton
Grand Choeur DialogueRobert Lau
We Sing to Thee, Thou Son of GodJames Southbridge
Be Thou My VisionDouglas E Wagner
Go Your Way with Rejoicing!Douglas E Wagner
There Is No Name So SweetChristina Becket
Trusting JesusMary McDonald
Two InterludesMichael Ryan