People, Look East!

Moderately Advanced
Sacred Music Press
Tune Source
Conditor Alme Siderum; Wachet Auf; Winchester New; Besançon; Stuttgart; Genevan 42; Veni Emmanuel; Nun Komm Der Heiden Heiland; Merton; Gabriel's Message; Aberystwyth
Toccata on "On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry"
Trumpet Tune on "People, Look East"
Voluntary on "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus"
Toccata on "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
Pastorale on "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came"
Chorale Fanfare on "Comfort, Comfort Ye My People"
Canzona on "Watchman, Tell Us of the Night"
Trumpet March on "Creator of the Stars of Night"
Prelude on "Savior of the Nations, Come"
Trumpet Prelude on "Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying"
Toccata on "Hark, a Thrilling Voice Is Sounding"